Reiki Renewal

A powerful gathering of women that, through the power of touch, connected spirit to spirit for an incredible, transformative experience.

It was a very comforting & safe way to explore something new. I felt a little skeptical but was able to try. It makes me want to explore it more & open myself up more. You are a great teacher by example.

It opened up a tight feeling in my life. It was fun & very giving.

It’s something different. It’s about individual feelings & exploration. It starts you on a path of self-discovering & thinking out of the box. It’s a hippy-dippy idea that works if you let it.

It’s a chance to get in touch with your inner self & also touch others.

I felt relaxation as I never felt before, my back pain cured. I came out very, extremely positive & full of energy. It is the best experience you can feel because you connect to your body & enjoy it too.

A spiritual, renewing, powerful experience.

Something that has to be “experienced.” It’s a means to relaxation & an inner peace with a spiritual connection with one’s source!

The hands on heat were very powerful. The intention/visualization was very Technicolor. I felt very self-loving, self-nurturing, & group nurturing. Lovely!

A wonderful warming experience that baths the body with self-healing & hands on energy.